Hailey is so much fun at this age. She totally tells me everything that's going on in her little head. These are currently Hailey's "favorites" (not in any particular order)......
1. Storytime at the library
2. Her "best" friends Abigail and Alex
3. Pretty dresses
4. Hawaii and the beach (she still talks about it almost daily)
5. Barbies with pretty dresses
6. Her new Easy Link for the computer
7. Reading books with mom on the rocking chair
8. Music (any kind, anywhere)
9. Dancing to music
10. Going to church, because she gets to wear a pretty dress AND play with toys and sing songs

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAILEY! I hope you had the best day ever. I thought that was so cute that she ordered her own salad with her pizza at the restaurant - such a big girl. And such a BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS too! LOVE YOU HAILEY!!
-aunt rach
What a big girl! I can't believe her long hair. give her a big hug for me and tell her anut nanny loves her!
What a sweet thing Hailey is. I can't believe that she has grown up so much! Mikaela adores her!
Happy Birthday, Miss Hailey! I love the dress up! Watch out, those teen years are going to be expensive (she already has great style...)! BTW some of her fav's are still mine, too! Maybe I should start taking toys to church... :)
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