Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008
We just got back from the kid's piano recital. We stopped them from dashing to their rooms to change out of their church clothes and had them record their presentations for you. They are all getting quite good.
The kids really like their new teacher and we like not having to drive 20 miles to go the one we had before Mr. B.. We wish you could have all been here to see it, but this will have to do.
The kids really like their new teacher and we like not having to drive 20 miles to go the one we had before Mr. B.. We wish you could have all been here to see it, but this will have to do.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween is my favorite holiday! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Christmas (everyone else's favorite). But there's just something about carving pumpkins, corn mazes, apple cider, costumes and of course trick-or-treating that just makes me giddy with excitement! Not to mention it's my dad's birthday,too. Happy Birthday Dad! I, myself don't dress up anymore, but love taking the kids out for Beggar's Night (that's what they call it here). The picture above (compliments of my photographer neighbor, Toni) is H
ailey trying to keep up with big sister trick-or-treating. She absolutely loved it this year, and asked me for about a month when she would be going trick-or-treating. She is not yet 3 years old, and would not let me go with her to the porches. She made me stay out on the sidewalk while she went up herself, and told me to "stay right there". For those of you who know Hailey's personality, this is quite an accomplishment as she is painfully shy with those she doesn't know very well. The boys were too old to hang around the "little kids" and went off on their own, with the rule that they didn't leave the subdivision. Todd stayed at our house handing out goodies, a job he prefers to do which is fine with me because I like going with the kids. It was a cold one this year, but we still got the loot, hitting EVERY house with a light on in our neighborhood. Happy Halloween everybody!
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