Sunday, March 1, 2009

Aarrgghh!!! Pirates!!!

You probably can't tell from the picture above, but Tyler was in the 5th grade play "Pirates!" He wasn't actually on stage, but was the "sound man" up in the AV box. He wanted to be on the technical side of things and applied for a stage crew position in which only 6 were chosen.
He did a great job with the sound! We heard everything that was said on stage, well except for one kid, he forgot to turn his microphone on. Job well done, Tyler!


Natalie said...

Awesome! he looks so official behind the desk. The show couldn't go on without sound!!

JK Waite said...

Great work, Tyler!!! You know the sfx guys get academy awards, too!!!! AND they don't have to worry about being chased down the paparazzi! :) Keep up the mix mastering!

Anonymous said...

I would have thought Tyler would be an awesome guy to have on the Techie Crew! What a kid! That sound board looks pretty crazy and tough to handle ... way to go!

Myrna said...

Gramps and I are proud of you! Keep up the good work, Tyler. That looks like complicated work to me. You are a great kid and we love you!